What Are the Effects of the Label of an Advertised Credential and Students’ STEM Growth Mindset on Their Intent to Pursue the Study of Accounting?
Accounting Enrollments, Accounting Pipeline, Certified Public Accountant, Labels, Math Anxiety, STEM Growth MindsetAbstract
Enrollments in accounting programs have been declining, exacerbating the shortage of professionals in the workplace, including Certified Public Accountants. Attempts to bolster accounting programs have included educating students on the roles of accountants and seeking federal recognition of accounting as part of STEM curricula. We question whether the label "Accountant" impedes students' intent to pursue accounting and whether students' STEM Growth Mindset moderates the negative effects of the Label. We surveyed non-business undergraduates to measure their STEM Growth Mindset and Intent to explore an academic program after having read one of two identical advertisements with differing Labels: Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Public Protector (CPP). A 2 (Label: CPA/CPP) x 2 (STEM Growth Mindset: High/Low) ANOVA showed only a main effect of Label on students' Intent, with the directions of the remaining effects being as expected and explained. Future research projects are suggested and implications for educators, professional organizations, the accounting profession, and the public are discussed.
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